
Sumber : News John Robert Powers Indonesia

When dealing with clients, especially those you’ve worked with for quite some time, it’s nice to develop some sort of friendship with them. You have to remember though to keep these business relationship professional, too! When these relationships are clear, and defined, you’ll be able to foster a strong bond with your client without either of you getting in too much into each other’s business. 

Try to keep these things in mind :


It gets pretty tricky when clients start asking for discount, feebies, and request for flexible payment terms. Clients who are too friendly can be the cause of certain problems. Make sure that your clients know when, where, and how to ask and demand things from you and your team.

2. Tone

The best way to properly set the tone of your relationship with client is through 

  • a client contract
  • friendly contact with client

The Contract shows when you’ll get paid, scope of deliverables and other business-related details that’ll lessen the mundane, constant questions client may ask you. To balance this, make sure you have constant friendly contact with them. Ask them questions about their business and treat them well, so that they’ll treat you the same way.

3. Oversharing

A friend asking you, “How the business going?” is so different from when a client asks the same question. It’s perfectly alright to vent to your friends, but don’t do that with your clients. Vaguely share with them what’s happening even if you’re actually having a tough week. There is no need to overshare and never use them as complaint outlet. A good relationship with your client leads to good business.

Learn more about confidently dealing with clients at John Robert Powers

( JRP Info just call me : Maria 0878 2397 7950)



Sekolah Kepribadian John Robert Powers

There is no such thing as an unattractive people..only people who don’t know how to make the most of themselves (Mr. Powers)


Hai all.. perkenalkan nama saya Maria, saya kebetulan banget kerja di salah satu sekolah kepribadian dan komunikasi terpercaya di Indonesia, namanya John Robert Powers. Jadi kali ini pengen share aja tentang apa itu Sekolah Kepribadian dan Komunikasi John Robert Powers.


John Robert Powers atau JRP itu sebuah sekolah non formal, ya bisa dibilang seperti kursus, siswanya banyak banget dari segala umur. Siswanya dikategorikan beberapa kelompok : anak-anak usia 6 thn-11 thn, usia remaja 12-16thn, usia Youth 17-24 thn, sampai executive 25thn ke atas.


Ada beberapa program yang JRP tawarkan : Kids Program, Teens Program, Personaliy Development for Youth atau bisa disebut level 1-2, Executive Workshop Level 3-4-5, Entertainment Industry, Public Training, Privat Training, In House Training, Seminar, Outbond, Konsultasi, Profiling Test dan Counseling.


Jadi di JRP ini semua kebutuhan soft skills segala usia bisa dibantu. Apa saja yang bisa dibantu di JRP? kurang percaya diri, minder, bahkan over pede, cara berpenampilan, masalah etika dan sopan santun, etika di meja makan, cara mengatur keuangan buat anak remaja, cara berkomunikasi, cara memahami dan mengerti diri sendiri dan cara memahami orang lain, mengatasi gugup saat presentasi, public speaking, gesture dan posture, persiapan melamar kerja juga ada lho.., terus team work, bagaimana jadi pemimpin yang baik dan jadi transformer buat bawahannya, persiapan jadi enterpreuner, bagaimana bernegosiasi dengan baik dan clossing the deal, dan masih banyak lagi deh..


Selama saya kerja di sini, saya banyak banget lihat perubahan perubahan dari siswa, sebelum dan sesudah masuk JRP. Seneng banget lho liat mereka yang tadinya ga care sama penampilan, acak2an, jadi bagus rapi bersih cakep penampilannya. Yang dulunya kalo bicara sama orang selalu nunduk, malu, takut, gugupan, sekarang udah pede banget.. yang dulunya ampun deh ga bisa diatur, maunya menang sendiri, ga mau denger pendapat orang lain.. skrg jadi humble banget dan good listener. Pokoknya stlah ikut program JRP banyak banget perubahan positif  yang didapat siswa.


Jadwal kelasnya siswa bisa pilih lho : mau kelas setiap sabtu aja ada, buat orang yang kerja atau bisnis owner bs pilih kelas malam2x seminggu, kalau yang lagi kuliah atau lagi cuti bisa ikut kelas intensive tiap hari ful day.  1 kelas biasanya sih diisi 15 orang. Jadi bukan hanya dapet pelajarannya, tapi juga dapet temen2 baru di JRP. Bisa dibilang sambil menyelam minum air, sambil belajar dapat teman2 baru dan pengalaman baru.

okelah.. segitu dulu cerita saya.


Kalau ada yang mau tanya2 soal John Robert Powers,

bisa WA saya MARIA 0878 2397 7950


Thank you and God Bless You.. See u soon..